R1b-S16264: Information on S16264 Families

Prepared by Nigel Bond

Version of 17 October 2018 | Check here for updates.

As of October 2018 we have discovered four main branches on the S16264 family tree as defined by STR haplotypes. We have detailed SNP data to the present day for two of these branches, however too few men have been Next Generation Sequencing tested for us to define the branching within those two main branches (see our SNP tree at ytree.net). We are therefore largely reliant on STR data which is subject to possible misinterpretation due to possible back-mutations and/or convergence of distantly related haplotypes. All date estimates given below are therefore very approximate.

Branch #1 - leading to the GROUAZEL family of Taden and Quimper/Ruca in Brittany, France with just one STR off-modal shared with other branches (16 counts at DYS19). This suggests this line diverged from the others very early in the history of S16264, say in the early second millennium BCE. This branch has not NGS tested but SNP tests prove that Branch #1 shares a minimum of two SNPs downstream of Z39589 with the other branches (i.e. S16264 and S21225). Z39589 is the most recent common ancestor of several L21>DF13 subclades including DF41, DF49, L1335, Z251, S1026, S1051, CTS1751, Z16500, A4556, BY575, BY3925, FGC13780, FGC13742, L371, S16264, A9507 and FGC33712.

The presence of an ancient S16264 branch in Brittany together with Branch #3 Leprovost from Basse-Normandie supports the hypothesis that S16264 may have originated in this area of northwest mainland Europe. Note that very few French families have Y-DNA tested so S16264 may well be more widely distributed in France than current data suggests. If this hypothesis is correct then some S16264 families may have entered the British Isles at the time of the Norman Conquest or soon after. We also know that there have been cross-Channel trading and other social interactions from the Bronze Age (and earlier) through to the present day so there have been many opportunities for S16264 to pass from mainland Europe to Britain and vice-versa. Note though that some researchers propose a British Isles origin for some of the other Z39589 subclades listed above and that many believe that the Bretons were originally displaced Britons, arriving in Brittany in the 5th and 6th centuries. Surname evidence for Branch #3 supports the Norman hypothesis: the Britt/Brett name is associated with Breton families who arrived with Duke William and Hammond derives from Hammo/Hamman, a Norman name. The two Hispanic families may have their origins in the Norman settlement of Iberia.

Branch #2 - leading to the HAWK / HICKS / HAUCK family with representatives iin Pennsylvania in the 18th century and with one claiming descent from John Hicks born 1455 in England via Robert Hicks who arrived in Massachusetts on-board the Fortune in 1621. Another possible ancestor is Matthew Hawke who came to Massachusetts in 1638 on the ship Diligent. Robert Hawk (FTDNA N85335) has NGS tested. Branch #2 shares 6 SNPs downstream of Z39589 with Branch #3 (i.e. S16264, S21225 and 4 others) suggesting the split occurred approximately 500-900 years after the Z39589 mutation occurred, say in the second half of the second millennium BCE. Branch #2 also shares 4 STR off-modals with Branch #3 (DYS19 greater than or equal to 15, DYS464c less than or equal to 16, DYS444 greater than or equal to 13 and DYS504 equal to 18).

Branch #3 - leading to the MANN, MILLS, LEPROVOST, BOND (NPE – BRAGINTON?), BRITT / BRETT, SCHULTS (NPE - ?), HAMMOND, BISHOP, TURNER families of England, France and USA. Some of these families have a 10 count at very slow mutating DYS455 and some of those are also SNP L679+. Five Branch #3 men have NGS tested, four of whom are L679+.

The MANN family has representatives from 18th century Colchester, Essex, England and possibly from 17th century Virginia. They have an 11 count at DYS455 while all the other families have 10 and so the Mann branch diverged from the others before the 11 to 10 mutation occurred. Rod Mann (FTDNA N26061) has NGS tested. As had been expected, his results split in two what had been a large block of 34 L679 equivalent SNPs. Rod's positive SNPs form an older block of 17 Z16861 equivalent SNPs while the other 17 SNPs including L679 are now in a younger block. All Branch #3 Manns will be positive for all SNPs in the Z16861 block and negative for all in the L679 block. Given that the Manns are predicted to be the oldest branch from the line leading to the other Branch #3 families we can expect these other families to be positive for all SNPs which are in the Z16861 block and positive for some or all SNPs in the L679 block. Based on SNP counting we can estimate that the most recent common ancestor of the Manns and other Branch #3 families was born in the second century BC.

The MILLS family are all American with their home country origin believed to be England. They have a 10 count at DYS455. They have not SNP tested below S16264 so their L679 status is unknown. We can speculate that their line branched from that leading to the families which have the unusual 15 counts at DYS464d, with that mutation occurring in the Early Medieval period at say AD 1000 or earlier. If that is correct, based on Sylvain Leprovost's SNP tests discussed below, the Mills family will be Z16874- and L679-.

Note that there are two men with Hispanic family names - DELGADO and ARROYO - who appear to be descended from the same branch as the Mills family.

The LEPROVOST family are French and have traced their paternal line to 16th century Lithaire, Basse-Normandie. They have a 10 count at DYS455, 15 counts at DYS464d and are L679- but have not NGS tested. Based on STR haplotype data the common ancestor with Bond / Braginton is estimated to have lived in the 11th or 12th centuries AD which suggests a link to the Norman Conquest of England. Sylvain Leprovost (FTDNA 162326) has tested two Branch #3 SNPs. He is Z16874- and L679-.

The BOND family has a 19th century illegitimacy in the paternal line with the putative father named BRAGINTON in a legal hearing. The Bonds and Bragintons were living in northwest Devon and adjacent northeast Cornwall in the 17th century. Nigel Bond (FTDNA 170191) has NGS tested. He is L679+ and has 4 Sanger Test confirmed SNPs which are not shared with the so-called 'Salmon Turners' (so-named by the administrators of the Turner DNA Project). One of these, F110, has been selected as his branch marker. The others are FGC36618, FGC36619 and FGC36620. He has a 10 count at DYS455, 15 counts at DYS464d and 14 counts at DYS464a. His most recent common paternal line ancestor with the Salmon Turners most likely lived in 15th century England, and, we might speculate, most likely in the West Country (comprising the counties of Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Somerset).

The BRITT / BRETT family have traced their paternal line to Dorset, England with present day descendants in Canada and the USA. They have a 10 count at DYS455, 15 counts at DYS464d and 14 counts at DYS464a. They have been confirmed L679+, A7314-, F110+, FGC36618-, FGC36619+ and FGC36620- by YSeq. They therefore share a Medieval English paternal line ancestor with other L679+ families and a more recent shared ancestor with Bond / Braginton. This more recent shared ancestor most likely lived in 17th century Devon or Dorset.

The SCHULTS family have an early 20th century NPE ancestor born in Philadelphia to a lady of Pennsylvania Dutch heritage. They have a 10 count at DYS455, 15 counts at DYS464d and 14 counts at DYS464a. They have been confirmed L679+ and F110+. They are at similar Y111 genetic distance from Bond / Braginton as from Britt / Brett and are therefore likely to be descended from the same 17th century Devon or Dorset ancestor or from one of his close relatives.

The so-called 'Salmon Turners' including the HAMMOND, BISHOP, and TURNER families are clearly descended from one 17th century paternal line ancestor (or possibly two closely related paternal line ancestors) who lived on the Eastern Shore of Virginia (or Maryland). However the identity of this person is controversial. The Turners have long believed that their ancestor was a William Turner who emigrated from Scotland via Ireland, however the documentary evidence is lost. More recently it has been suggested that the original settler was Mark Haman who arrived in Virginia in the 1630s and whose son Edward possibly become the ancestor of all Salmon Turners.

Three Salmon Turners have NGS tested: Steve Turner (FTDNA 20860), a descendant of Daniel Turner (FTDNA 311690) and Edward Hammond (FTDNA B4810, FGC Y7R6V). Their shared branch marker is SNP A7314. Salmon Turners have a 10 count at DYS455, 15 counts at DYS464d and 14 counts at DYS464a. The NGS men's personal SNPs are now available at YSeq for testing other 'Salmon Turner' men to confirm which branch of the family they belong to.

Branch #4 - leading to the COLLISON/COLLINSON whose American representatives are descended from George Collinson born 1679 in Talbot County, Maryland and who may have been of Scottish ancestry. The Collison STR haplotype shares a few off-modals with the Branch #3 Manns suggesting that Branch #4 may be more closely related to Branch #3 than to the other Branches. However these few shared off-modals are quite likely due to random convergence of otherwise more distantly related haplotypes. The true relationship can only be determined by SNP testing.

Date Estimates

Dr. Iain McDonald has analysed Next Generation Sequencing (BigY and Full Genomes Corp) test results in order to the estimate dates of branches within the R1b phylogenetic tree. These include S16264's ancestral and descendant branches. For each branch he has counted the number of SNPs in specific regions of the Y-chromosome and then applied an average mutation rate in order to estimate dates as Years Before Present with Present being the average birth year for the tested men which he has set at 1950. He then calculated calendar year dates and the confidence range for each estimate. His DF13 and older dates are based on analysis of several thousand NGS tests.

P312 3155 BC (95% confidence range 3898-2568 BC)
L21 2934 BC (95% confidence range 3638-2362 BC)
L459 2887 BC (95% confidence range 3544-2344 BC)
DF13 2602 BC (95% confidence range 3122-2159 BC)

Our S16264 subclade split from other DF13 subclades maybe 200-300 years later.

Estimates for S16264 descendant branches were based on just four NGS tests: Nigel Bond, Bob Hawk and two Turners. The % uncertainty in the Years Before Present estimates for these dates are therefore much higher than for the older subclades. The precision would increase if we had more men tested.

Branch #2 and Branch #3 Most Recent Common Ancestor born 1738 BC (95% range 2576-876 BC) vs. my guess of second half of second millennium BC (i.e. 1500-1000 BC)

Branch #3 Bond/Brett/Turner/Hammond MRCA born 1441 AD (95% range 913 - 1753 AD) vs. my estimate of approx. 14th-15th century

Branch #3 Turners MRCA born 1612 AD (95% range 1234 - 1845 AD) vs. 17th century date of arrival of Turner ancestor in America


1. Iain McDonald's age estimates http://www.jb.man.ac.uk/~mcdonald/genetics/p312/table.html