Welcome to S16264.info

The genetic genealogy website about the S16264 Y-DNA polymorphism

The Basics

S16264 is the name given to a small genetic change, called a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), that has recently been identified in the DNA of a small number of men from England, France, and the United States. The S16264 mutation has no suspected medical implications, but it is quite interesting for genealogy.

Because S16264 occurs in the Y chromosome, or male line, it has been passed directly from father to son over many generations. All men who are S16264 positive (S16264+) are distant "cousins" who share an ancestor that likely lived in the northwest of Europe about four thousand years ago.

By working together to share test results and genealogies, men who are S16264+ and their families can discover information about how they are related to one another, and strive to learn more about S16264's "deep history" in European migrations dating to the Middle Ages and before.

Who is S16264+ ?

There are many S16264+ men representing different branches of our extended genetic "family" that are waiting to be discovered. To be confirmed as S16264+, men will either have:

(1) a positive Y-DNA test for S16264, or its phylogenetic equivalent S21225, or a positive test for a known descendant SNP such as L679, or;

(2) Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) Y37, Y67 or Y111 short tandem repeat (STR) test results which are a close match to those of a man who has tested positive to one of those SNPs.

S16264 is a subclade (smaller grouping) within Y-DNA Haplogroup R1b. If you are S16264+ you will also be positive for older SNPs including M343, M269, P312, L21 and DF13.

If you fit the description above, please join us, even if you are a beginner in genetic genealogy research.

This website is currently under development.

Coming enhancements include links to other websites relevant to R-S16264 studies and a discussion area for sharing information and asking questions.